4097	Error in bindings property.
4098	Unable to update database.
4099	Unable to connect to server.
4100	Unable to create business object.
4101	Unable to invoke method on business object.
4102	Dataspace property is not valid.
4103	Safety settings on this machine prohibit creation of business object
4104	Rowset not updateable
4105	Bad Inline Tablegram
4112	Invalid RDS Client Version - Client is newer than server
4113	Can't perform operation with an async operation pending
4114	The column specified in SortColumn or FilterColumn does not exist
4115	The recordset is not in an open state
4116	One or more arguments are invalid
4117	RDS has made an event call back to the consumer and has not yet returned.
4118	This page accesses data on another domain. Do you want to allow this?

To avoid this message in Internet Explorer, you can add a secure Web site to your Trusted Sites zone on the Security tab of the Internet Options dialog box.
4351	Unexpected error
5376	One or more arguments are invalid
5377	No such interface supported
8192	Microsoft ADO/RDS 2.1
8193	Internet Client Error
8194	Internet Client Error: Request Timeout.
8195	Internet Client Error: Cannot Connect to Server.
8196	Internet Client Error: SSL Error (possibly 32K data upload limitation)
8208	Internet Server Error: Access Denied
8209	Internet Server Error: Object/module not found
8210	Internet Server Error: Request Forbidden
8430	Internet Client Error: Invalid Server Response
8447	Internet Server Error
12031	Internet Client Error: Connection Reset